Review Training plan workouts
Right now you have to load a training plan to the schedule to view the workouts. I’d like to be able to review the workouts in each plan before it’s uploaded, so I can make the decision to upload. The upload to schedule overwrites data so you shouldn’t have to go through that to just read the plans…kinda wonky! 😊
Frank Overton
we have a 'remove a plan feature' from your Profile page. So you can apply the whole plan, review it and the unapply if you do not want to follow it
Kevin B
YES please!
This is absolutely essential I’d say. The plans are great but currently to preview , choose, modify, etc, is very clunky
Shane Crowe
Similarly, I think the training plan descriptions on the website got a lot more brief after the optimize app came out. For example, a lot of plans don't tell you how many weeks long the plan is - which is kind of important. Would be good to have better descriptions. Viewing more plan detail as requested by Elliot would also be good.
Jill Aye
Another vote for this option!
WolfHills Climber
Tony Pook
I’d like this option also
Frank Overton
💪 Good shout out Elliot